Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My bark is something that sounds simple but encompasses a complexity that you may miss upon first witnessing. I am talking to you. Yes, you.

I don't know how I can more clearly express what is so obvious.

People are always stopping to ask about what kind of dog I am. I answer them and they pay no attention to me. I literally lie down in front of people and tell them to pet me, but they don't get it. I've noticed that humans are disabled in their sense of smell. Perhaps you are also hard of hearing?

I guess if humans understood telepathy I wouldn't have to bark. I look at you, I think my thoughts, you misunderstand, and so I bark.

So I think this video is a perfect example of the clarity of my vocalizations. But you, my fan, can decide for yourself.

(If you are receiving this via email, you need to go to the real blog for the poll.)