Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Thoughts

Many of my fans have asked me, "What is your New Year's resolution, Mr. Orso?"

It's difficult to say for sure what changes I will bring to my life this year. You may have noticed that Bergamascos tend to have one plan for the day and stick to it. We are not so big on CHANGE.

Recently, I developed a new sleeping spot in the bedroom. After years of doorway sleeping, I just got tired of waiting for The Kid to move or to get out of my spot. I don't think she is that attached to doorway sleeping so much as she is attached to taking over. So in this case, I acquiesced. I established a new spot at the foot of the bed. Now, however, I often have to remind Mom to make appropriate space there. Once there, though, I don't move. At all. For anything. It's a good spot. See? I can be flexible, sort of.

What changes would I make in my personality? I know Mom would like me to bark a little less when I'm excited about stuff. Last weekend, we had a Bergamasco gathering in RI, and I barked all day. It was awesome. I don't think I would change anything there. I love barking. And I'm so good at it. Last night, outside in the yard, during random fireworks in the neighborhood, I was able to continuously bark while also going to the bathroom. It's a skill, people.

Other changes? Dad would probably like me to be a little less "stubborn" - as he calls it. I can be very focused and single-minded. I can see how this quality could be mistaken for stubborn, but I think it's part of my intellect, my strength of keeping order in our house. I guess maybe it's a little stubborn when I refuse to leave the porch to go out when it's inclement weather. But let's face it, a wet Bergamasco is not the most pleasant smell - maybe I know best here. What do you think?

So perhaps instead of resolutions, it is better to set intentions for the new year. I intend to be the most loving family member I can be, to be a good role model for The Kid, to fully enjoy every minute of couch time, to savor my cookies, and to use my mental telepathy powers to get more people to give me turkey and rub my bum. I think it will be a very good year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your Orso!!