Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adventures and Quiet Moments

The Kid has been practicing rolling in leaves and mud. She likes to blend into the woods. Can you find the puppy beast in the picture?

I, the more experienced hiking Bergamasco, remain unleafed and unmudded as I stay trail bound when exploring the woods. Rolling is currently reserved for sandy beaches only.

I decided I had to share this recent photo too. The Kid used to love to lie underneath the coffee table for a good nap. Now, she's a giant flocking beasty. She tucks her head under the table and lets her belly flop to the floor. Poor Kid has no idea how large she has become. Now that she chews on me a lot less, I'm starting to enjoy playing with her. I chase her for toys and sticks. We are starting to have a real relationship. Of course, just when I'm starting to enjoy her, she'll jump on me and start biting my head. Mom says it's okay for me to tell her no so now I do. She listens to me, well... most of the time.

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