Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Revolutions

I heard the downtown fireworks last night from the warm cozy sanctity of my couch and watched Mom fight to stay up to midnight. And I knew what night this was. New Year's Eve.

Dad suggested that I work on some resolutions for the new year in keeping with tradition. As I thought it over, however, I realized that I don't have any goals, any need to change who I am to meet who I think I ought to be in the course of 365 days.

I think once again you could all consider the dog's perspective here. I could resolve to be more in the present, but man, I am so there. Or here, as it were.

I could resolve to be closer to my family, but our closeness grows naturally with the flow of time, in each walk, in each shared meal, in each journey together.

I could resolve to lose weight or be healthier, but I am concerned with neither. I only eat until I am satisfied. I exercise daily and get plenty of couch time.

So instead of resolutions, my dear readers, I am promoting only revolutions. You human people have a lot of work to do in this area - the government needs a serious shift-a-roo, people need to come together and support each other. I could go on about how you all should be able to go to the doctor when you are sick, but I digress.

The dog revolution is different. We really only require a few stand-up changes, really. Driver's licenses are a good start. We shouldn't have to wait to "go for a ride."

The handle for the refrigerator should be lowered and turned 90 degrees for ease of canine opening. Though, given a few months, The Kid may figure out how to do that one all on her own.

Lastly, we here at the Bring About Revolution Kanine (BARK) are extremely interested in forming a new branch of the internet - a dot dog if you will - our own virtual dog park. This would make communication go way beyond a good sniff if you know what I mean.

I wish all of you a wonderful New Year - May it be filled with personal revolutions.


Town Common said...

From the Animal Revolutionary Front ARF, fellow Mass. Bergamascos Enzo and Paola wish our BARK comrade-in-people's-arms Orso a radical new year. Unfortunately, as Italians, we probably aren't going to be effective revolutionaries...

Paola was urged to resolve to come inside when asked, but she rejected the idea, since she has so much fun taunting the humans and playing on her giant mound of snow, "Mount Paola."

Enzo's proposed resolution is to stop barking at odd moments at his adult biped brothers. He's considering it, since he wants to please, but it's so much fun barking while wagging his hips (the tail is only an afterthought; Enzo gets more booty shaking than a female dancer in a rap video) that it may be hard to do.

Orso said...

Town Common,
BARK would like to thank ARF for their continued support. We, here at BARK, understand the barking and the not coming inside when asked. We must resist where we can. As you know, we will bark when we want (and more per episode than necessary just to insure you heard us) and we will come in from outside when the yard has been sufficiently defended.
Thank you so much for leaving a comment!

Clare said...

Hysterical and very wise!! Orso is one smart dog -- Moose also loves his proposals for New Year's revolutions. He totally seconds the dog driver's licenses and lowered handles on refrigerators and dot dog and the virtual dog park. And bravo about the government and the need for humans to come together and support each other -- and the need for health care too. Well done!!!