Monday, September 10, 2007

In The Bliss

I smelled it tonight on the wind, did you? Autumn, coming in gently in an evening breeze, reminding me of chilly afternoon walks, snuggling in cozy at night, rolling in a leaf pile. It's been a few days since my last post - I'm a slow typist - they should really invent a paw-friendly keyboard. The cats are always trying to type by just lying across the keyboard. Well, then again, maybe they are not really trying to type.

Back to Autumn... In Autumn, it feels somehow easier to let go into the moment, into the Bliss. It's something about the essence of change available right before your eyes and nose that makes a moment feel like it opens up into forever. I was riding in the car with Jess last night (that's my mom) and I was riding in the middle between the two seats which is one of my favorite spots in the car. She had taken me on a ride to a parking lot, went inside, and came back with giant bags some of which smelled like my supper meat. On the ride home, she was snuggling my head and petting me and saying, "Aren't we so lucky to have each other? Isn't our love amazing?" At first, I felt like, "Yeah Mom, thanks for overstating the obvious." But then after a moment or two of head rubbing, riding in the car together, I understood. It's just amazing to have the gift of being together just that moment, just that car ride home from the parking lot.

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