Sunday, September 23, 2007

Elysian Sands

The water beckons some into her depths, sometimes with a thrown ball

a stick tossed with fun intentions.

The sand, however, holds a dog in surety, a predictable embrace

and when one surrenders in the tiny grains,

the gift of a million back-scratchers is joyfully received.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ain't Misbehavin'

Mom and I have been out walking a bit more. The weather has been perfect Bergamasco weather - cool, crisp, sunny. The wonderful temperature has brought back a spring in my step. I feel younger, more alive. It's like I can see every squirrel and they are dancing and running just for my amusement. The other day at Nate's mom's house, her cat Tuck was playing a marvelous game of hide and seek with me. I think Tuck could feel how exciting this weather is too. I guess I was getting a bit overzealous and I ended up in the car. Now, normally, I love my time in the back seat, watching the sights, or sitting in the quiet. But I could hear Tuck mocking me from afar. Between that mischievous autumn air and the smell of my friend Tuck, I decided climbing out of the car was the only reasonable choice. I had to think about it, puzzle it out. I moved into the driver's seat and from there squeezed myself as flat as possible and the next thing I knew I was out, free, wild, chasing Tuck. I was actually pretty proud of myself and ran up to the back porch to say hello to everyone, but I misjudged Mom's reaction. I ended up back in the car with all windows up and an open sunroof, with Mom muttering, "If he can figure out how to climb out of the sunroof, I'll want to shoot video of that for YouTube." In other words, they were impressed with my ingenuity but not so much with my behavior. Oh well, what's a dog to do? At least while I was in the driver's seat I got a good look at the controls. I think pretty soon I'll be able to start that car on my own. I just need a cat to work the peddles........

Saturday, September 15, 2007

On Couches

Clouds heavy above, let loose their watery souls
To fly and fall on my house, my yard, my porch
Drenching the emptiness
Filling in the spaces between my thoughts
And I
Listen, wiser in the knowing
Drier in the dripping silence
Of a very quiet couch

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Stop and Smell the Noses

I took this picture myself (which is why it's a little distorted) and I think it is a great shot of my magnificent nose.

Monday, September 10, 2007

In The Bliss

I smelled it tonight on the wind, did you? Autumn, coming in gently in an evening breeze, reminding me of chilly afternoon walks, snuggling in cozy at night, rolling in a leaf pile. It's been a few days since my last post - I'm a slow typist - they should really invent a paw-friendly keyboard. The cats are always trying to type by just lying across the keyboard. Well, then again, maybe they are not really trying to type.

Back to Autumn... In Autumn, it feels somehow easier to let go into the moment, into the Bliss. It's something about the essence of change available right before your eyes and nose that makes a moment feel like it opens up into forever. I was riding in the car with Jess last night (that's my mom) and I was riding in the middle between the two seats which is one of my favorite spots in the car. She had taken me on a ride to a parking lot, went inside, and came back with giant bags some of which smelled like my supper meat. On the ride home, she was snuggling my head and petting me and saying, "Aren't we so lucky to have each other? Isn't our love amazing?" At first, I felt like, "Yeah Mom, thanks for overstating the obvious." But then after a moment or two of head rubbing, riding in the car together, I understood. It's just amazing to have the gift of being together just that moment, just that car ride home from the parking lot.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sheepdog Musings

During my walk by the beach today, I pondered the future and purpose of my blog. During a 2 mile walk, my picture was taken at least 3 times, with Jess and Nate providing detailed explanations about me. This is a very common event in our world. I was a little irritated and was barking at the picture takers - I know this is a tough one for people, but come on, if you are going to take my picture, ask questions about me, admire me, etc - could you please just come over and pet me? Just a little rub, it does not need to be an elaborate admiring combined with affection, but that would be nice. I don't really ask for much. We never deny anyone a snapshot. Hell, I even pose most of the time. But it really should be a given: picture=rubbing of the Orso.

It occurred to me as I pondered the bold photographers that my blog would also be an excellent way to communicate my desires to the public. Let me take this moment to clear up any confusion:

1. I like to be rubbed, a lot.

2. I like to be rubbed especially on my backside.

3. I will take a treat thank you very much.

4. My barking is to tell you to stop the talking and start the rubbing.

In the 6 years of my life, I have met thousands of people through my travels and my fame. I have been in the paper twice. Last spring I was in a production of Camelot as Horrid. This increased my local fame dramatically. Along the way, people who are interested try to remember or write down "bergamasco" so that they may look it up later. Well, now, folks, here it is. You wanted more of me and I am prepared to share.

The Journey Begins

A dog's journey is one of friendship, of learning, of olfactory exploration, of treats, and of love. My life is not so different from any other dog's; I walk, I sniff, I eat, I spread my scent, I enjoy a good rest on a couch now and then. Somehow, though, I am living a different sort of life than the average good dog. I've been across the country 3 times. I have rolled in sand on the beautiful beaches of San Diego, Redwood Park, Nova Scotia, New Jersey, New England. I have explored the forests of New Hampshire, Oklahoma, the Adirondaks, New Mexico, Rocky Mountains, Tahoe, and more. I have slept in the great outdoors, resting my nose on the gentle, cool breezes. I have spread my weary bones on the elegant rugs of bed and breakfasts, of romantic inns, of scent-rich Super 8's.

You might think that all this travel would be stressful, even for a dog in his prime. At times, I'll admit, right before leaving on a trip, I feel an excitement bordering on anxiety. But then, once in my back seat, a joy settles in my soul. It isn't that I love being in the car. I'm not one of those to jump at the word, "ride." Instead, mine is a love of the adventure itself - the wondering - is this a long trip or a trip to one of my usual jaunts? - will this be an all day affair? In any case, for me, the car is the gateway to my exploration of a universe filled with interesting people, beautiful wooded trails, and a rich life.

This blog will be a travel journal of sorts; a diary of my journeys large and small. I'm hoping to include pictures of the people I meet and the stunning sights I witness. Let's face it, I'm unique and people tend to want to know more about me. This will give my fans a way to understand my breed. It will give my friends a way to more deeply relate to me and understand the enormity of my journey.