A dog's journey is one of friendship, of learning, of olfactory exploration, of treats, and of love. My life is not so different from any other dog's; I walk, I sniff, I eat, I spread my scent, I enjoy a good rest on a couch now and then. Somehow, though, I am living a different sort of life than the average good dog. I've been across the country 3 times. I have rolled in sand on the beautiful beaches of San Diego, Redwood Park, Nova Scotia, New Jersey, New England. I have explored the forests of New Hampshire, Oklahoma, the Adirondaks, New Mexico, Rocky Mountains, Tahoe, and more. I have slept in the great outdoors, resting my nose on the gentle, cool breezes. I have spread my weary bones on the elegant rugs of bed and breakfasts, of romantic inns, of scent-rich Super 8's.
You might think that all this travel would be stressful, even for a dog in his prime. At times, I'll admit, right before leaving on a trip, I feel an excitement bordering on anxiety. But then, once in my back seat, a joy settles in my soul. It isn't that I love being in the car. I'm not one of those to jump at the word, "ride." Instead, mine is a love of the adventure itself - the wondering - is this a long trip or a trip to one of my usual jaunts? - will this be an all day affair? In any case, for me, the car is the gateway to my exploration of a universe filled with interesting people, beautiful wooded trails, and a rich life.
This blog will be a travel journal of sorts; a diary of my journeys large and small. I'm hoping to include pictures of the people I meet and the stunning sights I witness. Let's face it, I'm unique and people tend to want to know more about me. This will give my fans a way to understand my breed. It will give my friends a way to more deeply relate to me and understand the enormity of my journey.