You may have noticed Maya in the background, peering out at me from the screen door. I know what you are thinking - "Oh look, isn't she cute!" or "Oh, she wants to come out and play on the porch too!" or as you really look, you start to think, "Boy I bet she's hungry, maybe I should give her all the food she wants." This is how she works. She lures you in with her sweet smile and floppy ears, and soon, you are offering your full food bowl to her. She is also mind controlling Jaye, sending thoughts like, "Why are you out there taking pictures of that oversized, lazy, flocky porch-loving dog when you could be in here, worshiping me and giving me snacks?"
I don't fault Maya for her powers. We have been friends a long time now. She can have my food bowl and my treats. And in return, I am allowed to hike with her, camp with her, and worship her always.