Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sure, we play, we tug, we chase, but she crossed a line the other night. That's right, everyone's favorite girl puppy is not as cute as she once was thought to be.

It was a quiet and rainy evening. Suppers were finished. The sun had set. People were on computers. I had just enjoyed a lovely chew session with a bully stick. Ayla was on the couch with Mom, and there was just the right size bit of room left on the couch for a flocky dog like myself. As I put two paws up on the couch, The Kid attacked me with full on teeth and growling. I had no idea she was guarding a bully stick on the couch.

I didn't go up on the couch for two days. I guess I can forgive her but it's, well, it's my couch.

I don't know if I chose the most manly dogly response here. I guess Mom intervened a little. What would you do? Thoughts?